You’ve finally decided to straighten your pearly whites. As an adult, you may be gravitating toward clear, low-profile Invisalign® aligners. This orthodontic system treats a wide range of bite misalignment, from simple to complex. It does all that with clear, removable teeth trays. The inconspicuous nature of Invisalign® makes it a good match for adults who don’t want clients, colleagues, customers or friends to be staring at their braces. Contact us today to see if you may be a candidate.
Invisalign® Prevents Braces Stains By its very Nature
Because you remove your aligners to eat and drink, Invisalign® helps you avoid teeth stains that can sometimes result from poor hygiene while wearing metal braces. Metal brackets and wires provide a snag for food debris to catch on, so it is important to rinse, brush and floss while wearing braces to prevent decay and stains.
You remove Invisalign® aligners when you eat, and whenever you drink anything other than water. Therefore, there is no opportunity for food to become stuck in your orthodontia. You brush away food debris before re-inserting the trays, so the food won’t have a chance to sit on the enamel.
Put Finishing Touches On Your Smile After Invisalign®
Any cosmetic enhancements should be delayed until after your orthodontic treatment is complete. This approach will get you the best results all around. You don’t want aesthetic treatments to affect your orthodontic treatment, nor the reverse to happen either.
Here are a couple other reasons to delay whitening until Invisalign® treatment is complete:
- Teeth surfaces will be newly exposed. As crooked and crowded teeth straighten, new sides of the tooth may be exposed or oriented to the front of your smile. If you were to whiten your teeth before treatment is complete, then you are likely to have unevenly whitened teeth. The newly exposed enamel may need to be whitened after treatment anyway, in order to get a consistently white smile.
- Teeth sensitivity. Most whitening treatments cause sensitivity, and may irritate your gums. Orthodontic treatment tends to cause discomfort because the teeth are moving and bone is remodeling. You don’t want to add teeth sensitivity on top of orthodontic soreness.
Prevent Teeth Stains While Wearing Invisalign®
Put a stop to further teeth discoloration with these stain-fighting habits:
- Brush after eating and drinking
- Add milk to black coffee and tea to reduce their stain-causing power
- Know which foods are major stainers and enjoy in moderation (BBQ sauce, curry sauce, tomato sauce, beets)
You’ll want to keep your aligners as clear and stain-free as possible, as well. They’ll look much more visible if they discolor. Here are a few tips:
- Never eat or drink anything other than water while the aligners are on your teeth
- Don’t smoke
- Brush your teeth before replacing the aligners after a meal or beverage
- Follow our instructions for cleaning the aligners
Having your teeth whitened or otherwise enhanced will be a nice way to reward yourself after you’ve completed your Invisalign® treatment.
Learn More About Invisalign®
Ready to get started on your orthodontic journey? Dr. Robert Rudman is an experienced orthodontist offering Invisalign®, traditional braces, clear braces and other options in the Cherry Creek area of Denver. He is passionate about creating healthy, beautiful smiles, and can help you decide which options are right for you. To schedule your appointment, please call Advanced Orthodontic Care at 303-331-0222.