At Cherry Creek Orthodontics, we understand that a thorough and comprehensive orthodontic evaluation is crucial to devising the right treatment plan for your orthodontic needs. During your first visit to our office, our experienced Denver orthodontist, Dr. Robert Rudman, will conduct your orthodontic evaluation.
This evaluation will last approximately 30-60 minutes. Dr. Rudman will conduct an oral, facial, and functional examination to assess your oral health issues. At the end of this examination, we will take intraoral photos, facial photos, and x-rays for your diagnostic records.
We take panoramic and cephalometric x-rays to study the position of your teeth within the jaw. X-rays of your entire head will also be taken to study your bone structure and jaw relationships. At this time, we will also take impressions and models of your upper and lower teeth to help us evaluate your bite.
After you leave, we will spend time carefully analyzing your diagnostic records so that we can determine the appropriate treatment method. We feel that it is important to spend additional time during this phase of the process, because ultimately, in-depth planning will enable us to provide you with more effective orthodontic treatment.
When you return for your second visit, we will discuss treatment options, time frames, and financial arrangements. Dr. Rudman will also answer any additional questions you may have at this time so that you have a clear understanding of what your treatment will entail.
To schedule your initial orthodontic evaluation, please contact our Denver orthodontists today. Cherry Creek Orthodontics serves patients in the Denver and Stapleton, Colorado areas.